5 COVID-Era Opportunities for Health System Reform

For Better, More Equitable Health Outcomes, Address Social Needs Impacting Health: Why we should consider public policies around transportation, nutrition access, housing stability, and education when working to broadly improve health outcomes. 

To Improve U.S. Healthcare, Improve U.S. Health Literacy: How increasing health literacy in the U.S. could result in healthier populations and increase the success of value-based payment models. 

Through Policy and Technology, We Can Close the Rural Healthcare Divide: Why telehealth and other technologies must be combined with structural and regulatory changes to improve healthcare access and outcomes in the rural U.S.

Take a User-Centered Approach to Optimizing Health Technology: Policies around healthcare technologies—and the technologies themselves—can strengthen the weaknesses the public health crisis exposed by centering on the needs of patients and clinicians. 

To Enable Contact Tracing, Secure the Data and Strengthen Trust in Institutions: For contact tracing to work, a critical mass of Americans will need to consent to sharing certain types of health data. They won’t do so unless they trust that their data will not be misused. 

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